Since 1992, Victory OOSH has been providing quality OOSH care, in a safe and welcoming environment…

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Our Goal…

That every child leaves the service having LEARNT something NEW through PLAY and having EXTENDED their FRIENDSHIP circle.

 Our Philosophy

“A Home Away From Home”


Honouring People

We honour and respect all families, their beliefs, their culture, and the values C3 Church Victory.


Our Environment

We refer to ‘My Time Our Place’ framework when implementing and developing our rich play based program, with consultation from children and families.


Meeting Place

Maintaining a caring and nurturing community across all centres.


Every Child

All children are unique and have the right to have a safe space that is free of judgement.

Victory OOSH aims to be a “HOME AWAY FROM HOME” for every child, through caring for the whole child physically, mentally and spiritually.

Our desire is to impact the local community through our actions, educators, centres and programs.


C3 Church Victory

C3 Victory strives to build connection with our local community through the provision of services which help individuals and families flourish in life.

Throughout the week a number of community activities and initiatives are run by the C3 Victory Centre. This includes Little Lights Playgroup, the CAP Debt Centre, and the popular Coffee Club at Jesmond Public School.


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